I am very baffled by your last E-mail. My understanding from your earlier E-mail was that you were willing to respond to my querries speedily. I am now understanding you to say that you do not plan to address them until July 1. Frankly, that is quite unaceptable.
I fail to understand the complexities you allege in the questions. Let me state them as succinctly as I can and they require no more than a yes or no answer from you:
Have you signed ANY army checks?
Did you write ANY sections of ANY treat.
Did you author ANY portion of the National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement?
Have you authored ANY document that reflects your oversight responsibility and/or financial responsibility of the army's educational system?
These are not complex issues. You either signed checks or you did not.
Finally, I just want to know who the publisher of your second book is. I fail to understand the risk of "misinterpretation" and "misunderstanding" that is inherent in naming the publisher.
I am requesting you one last time to respond as briefly as you must to these questions. Your baffling last response runs counter to your professed commitment to candor and your promise to address issues of concern to me and to other Albright faculty. It also underscores my principal concern which derives from the vagueness of your resume.